Legislation Assigned to the Senate State Institutions and Property Committee (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 4/25/2024

HB 0848 NeutralSurplus Property - State Can Sell to Entities Outside Georgia Shaw Blackmon
1/1/2021 Effective Date Governmental Affairs State Institutions and Property -
2020/01/31 2020/02/28 Report 2020/06/19 Report 20YY/MM/DD Report General County Government
Todd Edwards
Currently, the State government may negotiate the sale and transfer of surplus goods to political subdivisions, charitable institutions and public corporations located, or providing services, in Georgia.  This legislation removes the requirement that these entities be located or provide services in Georgia.   
SB 0350 EvaluatingPublic Property; restrooms in state properties provide feminine hygiene products; require Donzella James
2/28/2020 Senate Read Second Time -State Institutions and Property -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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